Changing times.... But all stays the same

Due to the Covid 19 still being out there, a lot of our clients are worried about, how to safe- guard the health of their live stock or pets. Firstly: Do not worry!!!

Veterinary Services remain available 24 hours 7 days a week. 

Ring 087-9976924 anytime, day or night

There are though a few changes how we can operate our business and maintain the health and well being of humans and animals alike:

Phone ahead  before arriving at our office with your animal or only to collect medication

Remain in your car until one of our staff members calls you in

Animals can only be accompanied by one person

Children will have to remain in the car so better do not let them accompany you at all

If you are self isolating or cocooning

please let us know before we are calling to your farm and ensure that an unaffected member of your family is on hand to assist us in our efforts

If you cannot leave the house but need medication for an animal please let us know and we will do our best to deliver to you if necessary

Elective procedures ( dehorning, castration) which do not necessarily have to be done will not be performed unless we can ensure social distancing during the procedure

Emergency procedures will be performed as always and we will ensure that we reduce all unnecessary interactions as good as we can

Stay Safe and Stay Smiling !!!!

Latest comments

22.10 | 19:04

I have 2 dogs for checking with bad breath.
Please call me at 089 4244242

22.06 | 09:44

Hi Yvonne, can I make an appointment for my dog Bruno please?

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